Lattice Wind Masts |
Now up to 125m! The lattice wind masts offered by SME Consult are designed to withstand the harshest environmental conditions. Easy to install, lower, remove and maintain, these masts are one of the best options for wind resource assessment activities when sensor maintenance is likely to occur as they are easily climbable.
Tubular Wind Masts |
SME Consult is the main supplier of tubular wind measuring masts, manufactured by the British company NexGen. The range of masts offered include 10m Light Mast, 30,40 and 50m Class One tubular masts and 60,70 m Hi Masts. The tubular masts design provides easy transportation and assembly on site.
Data Loggers |
We have built experience in the installation and operation of different types of data loggers. Our purpose is to respond to the specific needs of our clients by offering different options of wind resource measuring equipment.
News & events
International Exhibition on ЕЕ and RES for SE Europe 2010 |
Come and visit our booth at the International Exhibition on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources, which will be held on 14-16 April 2010, Halls 5 & 6 of the IEC-Sofia, Bulgaria.
The 2010 edition of the Exhibition will bring together again key players from the EE & RES industry sector from many counties and will become a bridge between manufacturers, researches and users of renewable energy sources.
The exhibition will provide a unique opportunity to promote your company, brand, products and services to a qualified and focused target.
It will underline the market’s trends, needs and opportunities. The business contacts made within the 3 days of the event will be the starting point for technology transfers, trading agreements, sub-contracting and partnerships.
The event targets all relevant businesses, technology centres, research institutes, universities, that offer or need innovative technology in the energy and eco-construction sectors as well as institutions that are seeking to set up business partnerships.